Teach Social Skills

Recommendations and explorations for your Social Skills Group

diana Cortese

Understanding the nuances of social communication can be challenging for all kids. It can be particularly difficult for neurodiverse ...

diana Cortese

Here are three interactive Social Skills activities for Valentine's Day that focus on friendship and improving social communication skills.

diana Cortese

It's not always about what your student's need to improve. Make sure to find ways for them to see how valuable they are as they right here, ...

diana Cortese

Executive functioning skills are the skills that help us get things done. They are goal-directed behaviors and are critical for success in s ...

diana Cortese

Where is the line between being honest and direct and being just plain rude?

diana Cortese

When teaching Social Skills, make sure you are not inadvertently teaching black & white thinking. Social Skills are nuanced and complex.

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